Blastoff Finance — Bamboo DeFi partnership

Blastoff Finance
3 min readSep 9, 2021


Dear BlastArmy, today we are super happy to announce a new partnership with that will bring 4 new farms to Blastoff Finance

Farm 1:

Stake token: BAMBOO-BUSD Pancake-LP tokens

Reward token: BAMBOO

Total rewards value: $10.000

Farm duration: 90 days

Farm 2:

Stake token: BAMBOO

Reward token: BAMBOO

Total rewards value: $5.000

Farm duration: 60 days

Farm 3:

Stake token: BLAST

Reward token: BAMBOO

Total rewards value: $5.000

Farm duration: 45 days

Farm 4:

Stake token: BAMBOO

Reward token: BLAST

Total rewards value: $3.000

Farm duration: 45 days

What is Bamboo Defi?

BambooDefi is a decentralized global ecosystem used to exchange, store and “grow” crypto currencies. It offers a reward program for all its users based on:  YieldFarming + Yieldfarming program with temporary blocking,  Staking + Staking program with time lock,  Voting system,  Liquidity pools formed by liquidity providers.  Raindrop and Bamboo Burn Yearly Par (BBYP) All liquidity (LP) providers are generously rewarded for their contributions to liquidity pools.

These rewards are based on a four-fold performance system:  Distribution of the SWAPS commission for the liquidity providers.  Generation for BAMBOO holders: They get more BAMBOO if they use it in the STAKE system and improve the payment of rewards in the YieldFarming.  Distribution of dynamic yield multiplier bonds among the different liquidity funds. 21  Distribution of 50% of the profits generated by the Raindrop system for users with active liquidity pools and blocked BAMBOO in the Staking portfolio.

The developer of the BambooDefi ecosystem is Nexxyo Labs. It is a software development company, based in Spain, that has created Aurora ATMs, OuterRing MMO, Experiencia360 and several diverse technological products, including bots and financial tools for third parties.

Complete information about Nexxyo Labs can be found on the company’s official website

Nexxyo Labs’ products include  BambooDefi  Aurora Crypto Machines  Maniac Panda games  Nexxyo  Econelec +  Experiencia 360  Various mobile and web applications. The main technological supplier of BambooDefi is Kindynos and its legal supplier is Ferrer-bonsoms & Sanjurjo Abogados.

You can find complete information about these companies in their official websites: 

Kindynos is a fintech company created to produce and deploy high quality technical solutions for companies or individuals. It focuses on block chain technology, decentralized systems, fintech and payment processors.

Ferrer-Bonsoms & Sanjurjo, Abogados is a legal advice company with offices in Madrid, Pamplona, Seville and Valladolid.

Bamboo DeFi Social Media




What is Blastoff Finance?

Blastoff Finance combines innovative DeFi and NFT solutions to generate yields for our users. We launched our DApp with 2 high APY liquidity farms and NFT’s that generate a passive income based on the trading volume of our BLAST token. The BLAST token is the most advanced deflationary token on the market. Every transaction there is a 10% tax split into: liquidity lock, token burn, redistribution and NFT rewards. These fees as all smart contracts features are community-controlled

Rewards for NFT holders

The Blastoff token is the first deflationary token that distributes rewards to NFT holders. Per transaction, 1% of the fees will go to the NFT holders.

Community driven

The community will have full control over the burn, LP lock, NFT fee, and distribution fee.

RFI Static rewards

Currently, every transaction 2% of the fees are redistributed to our holders using static reflection, as passive rewards. Your Blastoff will keep growing!

Dev team tokens locked

The team tokens are locked and vested over a 120 day period. The marketing funds are only accessible with a community vote.

Automated burn and LP lock

Currently every transaction, 1% will be locked as liquidity and 5% will be burned.

BLAST Social Media







Blastoff Finance

Blastoff Finance the most advanced deflationary token on the market and the first of it’s kind to distribute rewards to NFT owners